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The Lioness



Reason behind name and number: 

As a kid I read a series about a girl who disguised herself as a boy in order to train as a knight instead of being sent off to finishing school. When she was discovered she was named The Lioness. It left an impression. My number comes from the age I was when I joined the team.


Derby history:

QCR fall2018-present



Blocker, pivot, occasional jammer if comic relief is needed


Other sports and hobbies:

Reading, gardening, quilting



Nothing more serious than a cracked rib from Baber


When I’m not playing derby I’m a:



Get Pumped Up Song:

Anything from Queen's greatest hits album


Fun fact:

One of my pet peeves is when a children's book is about a toad, but the drawings are all clearly of frogs. I'm looking at you 'Little Blue Truck'.


My greatest derby accomplishment is:

Sticking with it 7 years, and not wobbling like a newborn calf all the dang time.


If I could tell myself one thing when I started playing, I would say:

Buy the good gear right off the bat. You're going to appreciate it.

The Lioness #32-2
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