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Sea Legs



Reason behind name and number: 

Ocean leg tattoo, 3 is my jamb and 333 was taken 🤣


Derby history:

Quad City Rollers 2019-Present



Wanting to try bracing


Other sports and hobbies:

Kayaking, walking/hiking, starting to build muscle whenever and where ever I can.



Overstretched my ankle ligament on the 1st day of practice in 2025


When I’m not playing derby I’m:

Listening to an audiobook, spending time with the kids, holding my snakes, playing with the dogs and cat living life to the fullest


Get Pumped Up Song:

Insane by Black GryphOn Bassik


Fun fact:

I only wear Barefoot shoes currently but use to have terrible planters facilities


My greatest derby accomplishment is:

Transitioning!!! Still not great but I'm swinging around!


If I could tell myself one thing when I started playing, I would say:

Stretch several times a day

Sea Legs #33-5
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