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Skates in Circles



Reason behind name and number: 

My number is for Heinz 57 sauce. My name is one letter away from being a ketchup heiress. My name is just helping explain how we play the sport of roller derby.


Derby history:

Old Capitol Roller Derby 2013- 2022

Indigenous Rising Roller Derby 2019 - present

Cedar Rapids Roller Derby 2023-2024

Quad City Rollers 2024- present





Other sports and hobbies:

Softball, swimming, crafting, dancing



Broken arm


When I’m not playing derby I’m a:

Walking or at home.


Get Pumped Up Song:

Pump up the Jam


Fun fact:

I share my birthday with my oldest sister. We are exactly 6 years apart in age.


My greatest derby accomplishment is:

I haven’t done it yet but excited for World Cup 2025. My line was able to hold Freight Train for 3/4 of a track during a jam.


If I could tell myself one thing when I started playing, I would say:

Stretch after games!

Skates in Circles #57-4
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