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Darth Baber
Reason behind name and number:
Misfits, star wars
Derby history:
Quad City -2012?-2018
Team United Roller Derby- 2018-2019
Quad City- 2019- present
Prefer Blocker/Pivot. PAST jammer
Other sports and hobbies:
Lifting and art. Outdoor skating
😅 L/R partial PCL tears, L MCL tear, broken left radius (x2) left wrist dislocation, right fibula fracture, right gnarliest shoulder tendonitis.
When I’m not playing derby I’m a:
I color all the hairs all the colors
Get Pumped Up Song:
Too many
Fun fact:
I like dogs
My greatest derby accomplishment is:
I'm still going
If I could tell myself one thing when I started playing, I would say:
Take recovery seriously

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