Little Bo Peach
Reason behind name and number:
​I love a good nursery rhyme and keeping my peach in the way of those jammers
Derby history:
​Quad City Rollers 2023 - present
Other sports and hobbies:
​Art- photography, pottery, glass blowing, painting, graphic design. Hiking, biking, yoga, cooking, adventuring…
​Nothing serious!
When I’m not playing derby I’m a:
​Clinic Administrator
Get Pumped Up Song:
​Here Comes the Queen - Katana Riot
Fun fact:
​I can make anything into soup.
My greatest derby accomplishment is:
​The steady athletic growth I’ve experienced in 2 years!
If I could tell myself one thing when I started playing, I would say:
​Don’t compare your benchmarks to others and celebrate your own progress. You are a bada$$ either way.