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Reason behind name and number: 

My name is Jen and I've been told Jenthusiam is a more fitting name, but I consider Jenraged to be my alter ego. I'm pretty aggressive in sports and tend to go hard. 2 has been my lucky number since I chose that number to win getting selected to be a crossing guard in elementary school. I never said I was a cool kid... 


Derby history:

Quad City Rollers: 2016 - 2018 

2023 - Present



Blocker, previous jammer


Other sports and hobbies:

Softball, crochet/knitting, running (I guess), wrangling my tiny humans. 



Lumbar Spondylolysis/Spondylolisthesis (reason for retirement after 2018), super torn shoulder labrum


When I’m not playing derby I’m a:

Senior Marketing Specialist 


Get Pumped Up Song:

Boss Bitch - Doja Cat, Disturbed - Down with the Sickness​


Fun fact:

I find languages fascinating and studied French, Spanish and Italian in college. I have a BA in French, and completed an internship as an interpreter, working on the Champs-Élysées in Paris. I'm also obsessed with P!nk. 


My greatest derby accomplishment is:

Coming back after each injury. I was told I'd never be able to play derby again and I'm constantly amazed by what my body can accomplish. Otherwise, every time I've unlocked a skill I'd been struggling with. No better feeling. 


If I could tell myself one thing when I started playing, I would say:

Don't skate through injuries. Leaving this here as a reminder... 

Jenraged #2-2
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